The signers of the letter include
leaders of denominations including Presbyterians, Methodists, United Church of
Christ, and the National Council of Churches (USA), among others.
This historic letter is not an
isolated incident. The support by church
leaders of the just cause of the Palestinians has been a little advertised
aspect of the conflict for decades.
Another example of such is the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in
Palestine and Israel, which includes Christian leaders from many different
denominations from many different countries. http://eappi.org/en/home.html
The letter is featured as part of the
Peace Not Walls campaign of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. http://www.elca.org/Our-Faith-In-Action/Justice/Peace-Not-Walls.aspx
It is also supported by the Presbyterian Church on their website http://www.theipmn.org/
The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
has more details on their blog, http://blog.endtheoccupation.org/2012/10/pro-israel-groups-react-to-church.html The following link has been copied from an
article on the subject http://endtheoccupation.org/article.php?id=3295
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