“If certain acts and violations of treaties are
crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether
Germany does them. We are not
prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we
would not be willing to have invoked against us.”
-- Justice Robert
H. Jackson, Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
Further tribunals were set up in later years following the same model. The most recent Russell Tribunal is the Russell Tribunal on Palestine. Second Session: London, November 2010 – to examine international corporate issues in Israel and human rights law. Third Session: Cape Town, November 2011 – to examine Israeli practices against the Palestinian people in light of the prohibition on apartheid under international law. Fourth Session: New York, October 6 – 7, 2012 focused on “US Complicity and UN Failings in Dealing with Israel’s Violations of International Law Toward the Palestinian People.”
Why is this
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (or any of the other Russell
Tribunals) have no legal force behind their findings. They cannot pass sentence on miscreants; they
cannot enforce punishment. What they
accomplish is to let the world know that just because crimes are not punished
or even mentioned in the mainstream media of the U.S. does not mean they have
gone unnoticed. People all over the
world are aware of the injustice of what is being done to the Palestinian
people, and public opinion is growing among the citizens of the world—both great
and small.
Noam Chomsky explains the situation in an articulate statement in his YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUl9LI_c8rg For a ringing endorsement of the Tribunal from Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Alice Walker, see the YouTube Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCYpFv_FljE More information about the New York session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine can be found at http://mondoweiss.net/2012/10/sold-out-russell-tribunal-on-palestine-kicks-off-in-new-york.html where the below video originated.
More information about all sessions of the Russsell Tribunal on Palestine at http://www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com/en/
More information about the history of Russell Tribunals can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Tribunal |
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